Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flying Insect Haiku Contest Winners

Many thanks to everyone who helped out and attended our Sakura Mushi Festival, which was a great success. Congratulations as well to our Flying Insect Haiku Contest Winners.

Zen meditation
I must try to concentrate
But the mosquito!

by Inarra Onmura

I tap the cold glass
but the trapped fly does not care.
He keeps crawling upward.

by Rosarie Alecto

a moth leaves
a young girl's grave...
only moonlight now

by Dalloway Palianta

small squashed mosquito
you wanted so little
now both our blood's spilled

by Mudpie Mornington

afternoon sun -
a honey bee greets
his eighty-first flower

by Dalloway Palianta

shortening day
the lonely sound
of a cicada

by Ngagpa Writer

Monday, April 6, 2009

Rondeau Short Poetry Workshop, Tue - 4/7 - 7 pm SLT

DanteOsaka Deschanel guest hosts this week’s Rondeau Short Poetry Workshop. This French style of short poetry is similar to the Rondolet, which was also one of our previous workshops. This 15 line lyrical poetry style has refrains, syllables, and rhymes. Dante will teach us all about it, so join us at Inksters to learn, write and share your Rondeaux.
Rose Garden. Inksters Rose Garden Classroom (212,135,21) in Second Life

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sakura Mushi Festival

The Sakura Mushi Festival of Blossoms and Insects will take place on Saturday, April 18,2009, all day.
There will be poetry readings, the awarding of the flying insects haiku contest winners, opening of the Flying Insects Display in the Shin Tao World Room, music, dancing and a lot of fun.

Oh and don't forget to submit your insect haikus! The deadline has been extendet to April 10. Contact DanteOsaka Deschanel, Pomona Writer, or Sunnie Beaumont in Second Life.