Sunday, November 2, 2008
Bonsai Exhibit
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Poetry Workshops!
On Tuesday Sunnie Beaumont discussed the Septet Short Poetry style which is a seven lined short poem.
Next week Tuesday, September 30 ToryLynn Writer will hold an Erotic Poetry Workshop at Inksters Rose Garden Classroom (212,129,21)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Premodern Japanese Art Circles and Second Life
The authors of "Avatars Are For Real:Virtual Communities and Public Spheres" compare the Tokugawa era of Japan (1603-1867) with the virtual world of Second Life and find many parallels.
There were many artistic circles and haiku/poetry networks that provided alternative realities where people could develop a second life, not within their prescribed roles, but as individuals liberated from status and gender restrictions. Each person could express his or her love of particular cultural pursuits, unhindered by their formal background.
"Through tea ceremony and flower arrangement to haiku and the game of Go, Tokugawa citizens could escape political pressure and meet each other freely in the safe realms of the virtual worlds of art."
That sounds much like what the friends of Shin Tao do now. But I'm not sure if there really is a connection. Maybe it would work with other periods in history too. And artsy people always try to create their own society and culture in opposition to mainstream politics and restricitions.
Perhaps DanteOsaka knows more about the Tokugawa era and can give us his opinion.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Second Life HAIGA contest winner

--hibiscus blossoms
flash their red petals at me
stoplights on sidewalks--
And thank you to everyone who participated in the contest and in our celebration.
Among the contest entries were traditional haiga with drawings but also haiga with high quality SL-photography.
The participating haiga in the 2008 Summer Shin Tao Haiga Contest are on display near the Zen garden in the courtyard of the Haiku Library in Shin Tao Haiku Retreat Two in Ophelia.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
RIVERS display celebration on Friday, August 8!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Rivers haiku display
Shin Tao Haiku Retreat would like to invite everyone to attend a celebration
for the opening of our new Rivers display in the Library of Haiku, Friday,
August 8, with Open House all day, a haiku workshop and announcing winners of
our haiga contest at 7pm slt, and a dance at 8. Come celebrate with us! --
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Haiga Contest in Second Life

Deadline - Midnight SLT Wednesday August 6, 2008.
Haiga is a haiku painting, originally combining the elements of
poetry, painting and calligraphy in one form. The contest will combine original haiku plus an original image.
Please contact DanteOsaka Deschanel, Sunnie Beaumont, or Pomona Writer for further info and contest rules.
Happy Haiga!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Dante's Creek

Monday, June 9, 2008
Haiku in Hawaii!!

Friday, May 30, 2008
New Haiku!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Basho Workshop on Friday, May 23rd
Monday, May 5, 2008
sLiterary Magazine features DanteOsaka!
You can read the sLiterary Magazine here! Dante's poem is one page 11 but there are other awsome poems, short stories and serial novels too. I really like the layout of this magazine and even their ads are perfectly designed. I couldn't find an inworld issue but it's more practical in a browser anyway.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Blossom Contest Winners!
Reading sutras
Cherry-blossom -
Lands on the open page
Ngagpa Writer 2nd place
By the Temple gate
Old plum tree -
Flowers once more
Morrhys Graysmark 3rd place
Your sleeping ashes
Don't hear the petals gossip
Gaily on your grave.
Honorable mentions
Burnt Burt
The falling blossoms,
Colliding with reflections,
Rippling the still pond.
Ngagpa Writer
Chanting monks
Fallen cherry-blossoms
Line the path
Nebbisk Oh
Sakura bloom
In two hundred varieties
But only one for you
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Shin Tao Haiku Retreat Blossom Festival

We will have an Open House and a haiku reading, and a dance!
Friday, April 18, from 4 pm to 10 pm SLT
Saturday, April 19, from 4 pm to 8 pm SLT
We will be reading “Blossom” Haiku from the Masters and modern haiku poets. Winners of the Blossom Festival Haiku contest will be announced, and the submitted haiku will also be read.
Join us as we celebrate a new beginning and come see our petal dropping cherry trees as we celebrate Sakura Matsuri. Of course, the Library of Haiku will be open to anyone at any time, so if you can’t make these dates or times, please feel free to come any time.
The Shin Tao Haiku Retreat in Ophelia<93,154,21>
Monday, April 14, 2008
The Geisha, a display of art and haiku
The Shin Tao Haiku Retreat presents The Geisha, a display of art and haiku, appearing in The Japan Room at the Library of Haiku, in the Shin 2 Sim in Ophelia.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Any Blossom will do, Haiku Contest
The winning haiku will be announced on Saturday, April 19, 8:00 pm SLT, and prizes will be awarded.
Contest rules:
Haiku or Senryu should be blossom related. Any blossom will do.
Type your haiku onto a notecard, and save the notecard with your name and “Blossom Contest” in the title and file name.
Submit your haiku by dropping it into DanteOsaka Deschanel’s inventory by Wednesday, April 16. If you are unfamiliar with how to do this, find DanteOsaka Deschanel in Search and open his profile. Drag your notecard from your inventory to the space towards the bottom of the profile for inventory. Or you can simply drop it onto Dante if you see him wandering about ShinTao.
If you have any questions or need any assistance with submitting your entry, IM Pomona Writer, Sunnie Beaumont, or the great cat himself, DanteOsaka Deschanel.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Haiku/Senryu Contest March 27
To celebrate this festive occasion Amatsu, in conjunction with Shin Tao Haiku Retreat will be holding a Haiku/Senryu contest. Submissions for the contest can be either Haiku or Senryu with themes of: Anniversary, Rebirth, Purification, Renewal, or Love and Kindness.
Submissions should be placed on notecards. Be sure to put your name in the notecard and lable the Description and Notecard as your name. Drop all notecard submissions into Pomona Writer’s inventory by Thursday, March 27th.
Prizes will be awarded and winning haiku read at the Amatsu Anniversary celebration.
A panel of judges will read all haiku and award prizes to the winning Haiku. Winners will be announced and their haiku read during the celebration. All haiku submitted will be available on notecards for anyone interested.
For additional information, please contact Pomona Writer.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Geisha Graduation Ceremony, March 6!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Geisha School Grand Opening 1 March

An evening of storytelling, music, and an introduction to the unique and fascinating history of the village and its mystical residents.
The Hana no Sei Geisha School offers education in the traditional Japanese arts, set against the Asian/fantasy backgroup of the village of Hana no Sei. Human and non-human students and patrons are welcome.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Senryu - Short Poetry Workshop on 2/26
The Workshop will be on Tuesday, February 26 at 7 pm PST at Rose Garden in Cookie.
The INKsters Community in Second Life will be holding a series of Short Poetry Workshops focusing on the short poem - poetry of ten lines or less, beginning with the more popular or well known short poem styles such as Haiku or Limericks, to the more contemporary or obscure poetry styles such as Fibonnaci or Quinzaine.
Shin Tao Haiku Presents: The Leopard

With information about the leopard around the world, its spots, leopardic mythology an much more.
You can browse through some leopard haiku at the Shin Tao Haiku Gallery on the right!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Haiku Workshop on Fridays!

This week's workshop will be looking at the Japanese short poetry Senryu, which is similar to Haiku. Senryu however is not about nature but more about emotions and human weaknesses. Come and join!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Links to Shin Tao Friends
When I checked if google finds the Shin Tao Blog with the metatags i had added a while ago I also found some blogs of DanteOsaka's friends:
Cyanide Seelowe is the founder of the Virtual Artist Alliance a group that wants to make the Arts more accessible to the public in RL and SL. Join their weekly Haiku Speedbuild at the Blekinge Sculpture Park. Cyanide also maintains her own blog Wherein I try to balance my First and Second Lives
Honoria's blog with Haikus and a portfolio with amazing drawings.
And Wila Shepherds blog The Teachings of the Scholar about the role-play of a group of geisha in Second Life, known as the Maneki Neko Okiya and Teahouse. By the way Wila Owns a beautiful house at the Shin Tao 2.
Soon we will tell u more about what's going on at the new and still growing Shin Tao 2 in Ophelia.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Meditation 2

Monday, January 14, 2008
Oh the running made!

energy purrs, door
meanders, adolescent
flying sallow hand
most of the haikus generated with everypoet are rather dark, but I found them best
Oh the running made!
fie! ouch! weaving sweeping shoe.
Alice hunts quickly
after clicking through some of randomhaikus I noticed that the vocabulary is not that big
Rain breaks then snow sets.
Hail works but a flower talks.
Old fish diminish.
Peter's Haiku Generator
Peter's Haiku generator probably hasn't been updated for a while. I could only use the standart vocabulary but there are others like erotic and noir
practice and patience
the leopard speaks welcome to
the shin tao blog thanks
This is interesting. You can have haikus produced out of recent blog entries. Hmhm...if only we had more entries...
oh and btw, if you wonder why my texture in the picture is checkered, try the browser-based SL Movablelife
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Then I asked Dante how to do it and he told Defifee to sit in a meditation pose, close my eyes and shh away thoughts that pass by. I have always wondered if people really meditate with their avatar on a poseball. Well it didn't work for me. There is always something to think of, even if I think 'now I'm not thinking' .. But I'm trying it offline everyday for about 10 mintues now. Probably it takes a lot of practice and patience.