Sunday, February 1, 2009

Endings and Beginnings

Shin Tao has awarded NGAGPA WRITER our first place in our Endings and Beginnings Haiku Contest. DALLOWAY PALIANTA is our second place winner (please visit Dalloway's blog Australian Haiku), and honorable mentions go to LEZLIE LATTE and INARRA ONMURA. Thanks to all of our participants for making this a fun and exciting contest.

2009 Shin Tao Haiku Retreat
"Endings and Beginnings" Haiku Contest winners and entrants.

Judge: DanteOsaka Deschanel Assistant Judge: Sunnie Beaumont

Icicle water
drips drips drips, upon
green spring shoots.

Black suits with white shirt,
winter faces, ladies weep,
a life on earth ends.

Summer love, now
inside within a week
new heart starts beating.

Acer leaf turns red,
memories of summer sun
fading like the days.

Crisp uniforms all,
new pencils and books and bags,
new term time begins.

Red pen on answers,
the wise teacher smiles and frowns,
exams are over.
© 2009 Lezlie Latte

In stillness ripples
echo the invading thought
...disturbing the mind
Sunshadow Skye
The Cycle of life.
Comes with the cycle of death.

It's the cost to live.
Vera Jonson
fine chopped ginger

fresh lime on seasoned fingers
cookbook aired at last
by Dalloway Palianta

final thrust
breath released
rolling eyes
aching chill
abandoned bus stop
desperate prayer
puffer fish
bead of sweat
exposed intent
peircing strike
rebellious fist unclenches
dreams to dust
by Conundrum Aristocrat

New Years Day
a blackened wick
stands in melted wax
by Ngagpa Writer

silently she left
what does she see and feel there

the crows all cry out
~inarra onmura
seppuku samurai
she cries with sharp pain
seppuku samurai gone honorable mention $L100
but yurei returns!
- inarra onmura
a friend passed today

he who flew high and swam low
leaves drift peacefully
- inarra onmura
a chill breeze passes
a shower of yellow leaves
dances to the ground
~inarra onmura


When was the ending of our love?
Yesterday I saw you in a mirror
Keeping the flowers so close of your heart,
Today I see the flowers in a stranger's vase ...
by Lumi Michinaga


Pan Haiku Review said...

NGAGPA WRITER, congratulations on winning this haiku competition.

all my best,

The With Words Competition 2009


Emma Dalloway said...

You found me, Dante! Thanks for the link.

Dalloway xx